Modern Equipment on Sailing Yachts

New electricity solution on sailing yachts

BOS Batteries, Solar Panels, Air Conditioning, Dishwashers, and Inverters

In recent years, sailing yachts have significantly evolved, particularly regarding comfort and energy supply on board. Thanks to modern technology, many amenities can now be installed, making life at sea much more comfortable, often with sustainable energy sources. Marko Zacherl from the Nautic Alliance has explained the technical systems used on modern yachts in various interviews. Moreover, many sailing yachts and catamarans in the Nautic Alliance fleet are already equipped with the latest technology. In this article, we summarize the key points: from BOS batteries to solar panels, air conditioning, and inverter solutions for use at sea.


BOS Batteries – The Future of Energy Storage?

Batteries are the heart of any electrical system on a sailing yacht. BOS batteries are among the most innovative technologies in this field. These batteries are characterized by high energy efficiency, longevity, and reliability. Marko Zacherl highlights that BOS systems are particularly suited for use on yachts, as they operate with an intelligent management system. This system optimizes the charging and discharging process of the batteries, ensuring that the available energy is utilized to its fullest potential. Integrating BOS batteries allows for long trips without shore power, which is a great advantage for long-distance sailors. Additionally, they can be installed without much additional effort or extra charging devices, requiring only a connection to the onboard battery. The intelligent management system takes care of everything else. The Nautic Alliance also serves as a dealer for these onboard batteries and can equip external customer yachts with this innovative system at various locations in Europe upon request.

Solar Panels – Sustainable Energy Generation

Solar panels are one of the most sustainable ways to generate energy on a sailing yacht. According to Zacherl, well-positioned solar panels can provide a considerable amount of energy to power onboard electronics, charge batteries, and even support energy-intensive devices. Modern solar panels are highly efficient and often flexible enough to be installed on the deck or special mounts. The combination of BOS batteries and solar panels ensures that a yacht can often operate autonomously for several days without relying on external power sources. Nowadays, up to 750Wp solar modules are predominantly installed within the Nautic Alliance fleet.


Air Conditioning – Enhanced Comfort on Sailing Yachts

Air conditioning on a sailing yacht used to be a luxury that consumed a lot of energy and was usually only found on larger yachts. However, thanks to modern technology, it is now possible to install efficient air conditioning units on smaller yachts. These systems can be powered by onboard energy sources, especially when BOS batteries and solar panels are well-coordinated. According to Marko Zacherl, a well-planned energy supply allows for the worry-free use of energy-intensive devices like air conditioning, significantly increasing comfort during longer voyages. For example, between 10 AM and 4 PM in the summer, a 750Wp solar system can consistently provide 300-600W, according to the Victron display. The latest air conditioning systems can operate in eco mode with just 250W, preventing the interior from overheating and making it possible to cool down a few degrees while cooking. However, the system becomes truly efficient only in the evening due to the poor insulation on board. In just one hour, drawing 50-100 Ah, a comfortable environment for the night can be created – all without noise, diesel consumption, or the unpleasant smells associated with generators.

Dishwasher on a Sailing Yacht

A dishwasher might not be the first device that comes to mind when thinking about yacht equipment, but it shows how much emphasis is placed on comfort. Modern dishwashers have become much more energy-efficient, making it possible to run them using onboard resources. Marko Zacherl explains that many sailing yachts today have the necessary energy to operate appliances like a dishwasher without any issues. This makes life on board easier and more comfortable without compromising energy efficiency. "With our proven system at Nautic Alliance, it's possible to enjoy all this comfort. After all, who really enjoys washing all the cups and plates used daily?"


Inverter – The Key to Power Conversion

An inverter is crucial for the electrical system on board, as it converts direct current (DC) from batteries or solar panels into alternating current (AC). This is especially important since many household appliances, like dishwashers or air conditioners, run on AC. Zacherl emphasizes that modern inverters are not only more efficient but also capable of converting larger amounts of energy. This means that demanding electrical devices can be operated on a yacht as long as the system is appropriately sized. "I always recommend a 3,000W inverter, as it doesn't limit power consumption for standard household devices. The dishwasher needs about 2,500W when heating up, a Nespresso machine about 1,400W, and the air conditioner about 1,000W." However, Zacherl advises against using all appliances simultaneously. Every system has its limits and requires compromises. A constant power draw of around 2,000W could damage the batteries. Therefore, customers are informed accordingly during check-in. Automatic systems prevent deep discharge, and consumption is always tracked, according to Marko Zacherl from Nautic Alliance.



The combination of BOS batteries, solar panels, air conditioning, dishwashers, and an inverter makes it possible to transform a sailing yacht into a fully functional, energy-autonomous home. This energy "miracle" can be found, for example, in the Pitter Yachtcharter fleet in Biograd under the name Cataleya. The sailing yacht has four cabins and everything one could wish for – or even a bit more! The technologies presented by Marko Zacherl highlight the vast potential of modern onboard technology. Thanks to intelligent energy management systems and the use of renewable energy, it is now possible to enjoy maximum comfort at sea without unnecessarily harming the environment. Sustainability, in particular, is a core value of Nautic Alliance and its fleet operators, such as Pitter Yachtcharter, Sun Charter, and NOA Yachting. As a result, energy-efficient and environmentally conscious yachts will be increasingly common in the coming years – all without sacrificing comfort!

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